Computer/Laptop Service, Netbooks, Internet Cafe Settings (Virtual / Diskless), Wifi Settings, Mikrotik Settings, Office Maintenance, Schools, Individuals
Package Options (cost)
- Provision of Units & Equipment
- Install Windows, Supporting Software, System
- Online Games, Billing System, Network Installation
- Training billing &TroubleShooting
- Reinstall Windows, Windows System
- Supporting Software, Online Games, Billing System
- Network Installation, Computer Maintenance/Cleaning
- Checking Troubleshooting
- Billing Error
- Troubleshooting
- Setting System
Package Profesional Rp 85.000,- ($5.42)
- Setting Beginning
- Setting Problem
- Setting Trouble
Package Profesional Rp 100.000,- ($6.37)
- Install Windows Full Software, System, Driver, just use it
- Repair Service Problem Maintenance, Repair PC/Laptop Problems
- Data Recovery, Virus Affected, Hang DLL
Package Profesional Rp 50.000,- ($3.18)
(Price Software Problems/Reinstall Windows)
⊆: If there is damage to the hardware/something needs to be replaced, then the price will follow the damaged/replaced hardware (non-binding)
#The above is a Service for Maintenance Service, you can come to our location right away or if you don't want to be bothered / a large number of units, we also receive calls to your location, apart from maintenance, we accept training courses for those who want to learn about the world of computers. As for the NEW / SECONDHAN computer spare parts / accessories that we sell.