How do I contact the Donz Company ?
What should I do to contact Donz Company ?
Contact us via the Contact Phone (Hotline) or Come directly to our location
You can contact us via the contact on this site
Come directly to the location
You can also come directly to our location.
Does Donz Company Open an Offline Store?
Yes, We Open an Offline Store on behalf of Donz Comp, which is located at Bandung Trade Mall (BTM)
How do I go there, or want to consult first ?
You can come directly or you can contact us in advance for more information.
From what time does the Donz Company offline store open and close ?
We are open from 07 (Morning) to 07 (Night) following the Mall closing hours
Is the Donz Company Home Office open to the public ?
Yes, it's just specifically for those who have made an appointment before, or who will work with us.
What are the needs that can be done to be able to come to the Donz Company Home Office ?
We only accept guests who have previously made an appointment and need to cooperate, other than that, you can visit us at Offline Store.
What time do to come to the Donz Company Home Office ?
In accordance with the appointment agreement that has been done before.
In what fields does Donz Company do business besides computers technology ?
We are focused on developing our business in the field of computer and network technology. but still open cooperation with companies or entrepreneurs in other fields
How to do it if you want to work with Donz Company ?
You can contact us further to be able to work with us through the official process according to the procedure later.
Is Donz Company Legal ?
Of course, we have a Business License and a clear location according to applicable law. it's just that it's still in the form of Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV).
Where is Donz Company located ?
Our location is centered only in the city of Bandung and also serves online for areas outside Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
If outside Bandung, can you work with Donz Company ?
Of course you can, all companies and entrepreneurs who have collaborated with us outside Bandung City, because technology now makes it easy.
How is the system applied if you want to work with Donz Company ?
In accordance with the procedure after you agree with the system that both will be obeyed from the conversations or communications that are carried out